Regular mowing of the lawn is the key to the correct formation of the turf. The more thorough the lawn care, the lower the
however, when the temperature is elevated, the lawn can be mowed at a height of 5-7 centimeters. The golf course (especially the green area) is cut 5-6 times a week (every 1-2 days) in order to maintain an optimal height for games. The frequency of mowing depends on the energy of regrowth of crops, applied doses of fertilizers, irrigation and moisture reserve in the soil, season and climatic conditions, soil condition and its density. Frequent mowing at an optimal height does not cause weakening of grasses, but even vice versa: it increases the intake of nutrients, prevents the appearance of many diseases, increases the density and tillering of grasses.

Rare and low mowing (which summer residents often sin, they resort to low mowing to “last longer”, which is completely wrong) leads to weakening of roots and underground shoots, together with a large mass of foliage, a lot of storing nutrients are taken out, the endurance of grasses weakens, they protect the site from weeds worse.
If you download a lot at once and greatly reduce the height of the herbage, first of all, the plant’s ability to photosynthesis worsens, which leads to a decrease in nitrogen uptake. And this factor negatively affects the entire plant as a whole. Due to the fact that nitrogen is absorbed worse, it is difficult for the plant to maintain the viability of the entire existing root system, it begins to die off, the plant is more susceptible to diseases, temperature changes, less resistant to high summer temperatures, retains moisture in the existing turf worse.
It is important to maintain the mowing (mowing) mode of the lawn. The lawn mowing mode refers to the frequency and height of mowing plants. If you follow the correct mowing regime, a certain microclimate will be maintained in the lawn itself, which allows the grasses to bush more (which gives density to the lawn), maintain the temperature and humidity regime, a large amount of spare nutrients will not be lost, there will be no stress from the lack of photosynthetic leaves, the introduced nutrients will be normally absorbed by plants.
The stability of the lawn to loads depends on the mowing mode of the lawn. Each type of grass has its own optimum height at which it is worth maintaining the lawn. The optimal height for most lawn grasses, namely for bluegrass, fescue and ryegrass, is 4-5 centimeters, for vole – 2 centimeters. The vole is most often used on golf courses, and specifically in the green area (near the hole), where the grass should be as low as possible for an accurate hit on a small ball.
The more thorough the lawn care, the lower the haircut it can tolerate. For example, a mixture of bluegrass, fescue and ryegrass herbs can be kept at a height of 3 centimeters with proper watering and fertilization. The vole, in turn, can feel good at a height of 0.5-1 centimeter – also with proper care.
In the spring, you can mow the lawn lower (3 cm). In the hot summer period, it is worth slightly increasing the height of mowing plants (5-7 cm), so moisture in the turf will be preserved better. Mowing should be done either early in the morning or late in the evening. In autumn, when the temperature becomes about +15 ° C, the height of mowing the lawn can also be reduced to 4 centimeters. The knives of the lawn mower should always be well sharpened, otherwise the yellowed tips of the leaves can spoil the appearance of the lawn – due to the fact that the blade will not cut, but tear the blades of grass.
Haircut stops at daytime air temperature below +10 ° C. It is not necessary to leave a lawn higher than 6-7 centimeters for the winter for a number of reasons. A high lawn is less winter- and frost-resistant, more susceptible to various diseases, dead blades of grass do not allow fresh leaves to develop normally in spring.